Jährlich treffen sich Schüler*innen an der ISS und diskutieren und debattieren in einem Planspiel der UN. Das 14. MUNISS fand, wie so vieles, online statt. Auch Schüler*innen des GSGs waren bei der diesjährigen Konferenz dabei. Doch was genau macht man dort, wer organisiert das und wieso ist es eine so tolle Sache?
Mehr lesenMUN
From the Middle East to East Asia – a journey through international politics
On Monday, January 18th, Horst Heitmann visited our MUN session. Horst Heitmann worked as a member of the United Nations Secretariat and was mainly responsible for and assigned to conflicts and situations in the Middle East and East Asia. Until 2012, he was also director at the Department of Political Affairs for the Middle East and East Asia Division at the UN Secretariat in New York.
I want to tell you what we’ve talked about and what we’ve learned in that very special session.